A connected device

Type: object No Additional Properties

Handles data for a connected device. The 'state' object is specific to the device type


    "name": "device_esp32_leds",
    "description": "that device links one esp32 microCPU with 1 NFC reader, 1 motion sensor and 3 LEDs.",
    "router": "",
    "state": {
        "pir_state": {
            "detected_something": false
        "nfc_state": {
            "is_activated": false
        "led_state": {
            "is_on": false,
            "red_value": 144,
            "green_value": 17,
            "blue_value": 232

Type: string

Type: string

Type: object

It must be valid



Type: object

The state object contains all the properties that are relative to a connected device

Type: object No Additional Properties

Gives details about the motion sensor state

Type: boolean Default: false

Indicates wether or not the motion sensor detected something

Type: object No Additional Properties

Represents the NFC reader state

Type: boolean Default: false

true if the nfc reader has been activated. False if it has been disabled.

Type: object No Additional Properties

Gives details about the led state (active or not and color values)

Type: boolean

Indicates wether or not the leds are active

Type: integer

Between 0 and 255

Type: integer

Between 0 and 255

Type: integer

Between 0 and 255

Additional Properties of any type are allowed.

Type: object